3 Benefits to Strength Training

I have been strength training for 4 years now. I started it as a semester class in my senior year of high school, and I believe that it gave me the knowledge and confidence to go into Strom my freshman year. I was always active in high school, so this change in activity was not huge for me, but I have noticed a lot of benefits.

The first benefit I would like to mention is enhanced quality of sleep. I am someone who needs about 11-12 hours of sleep to function, and I noticeably see a difference on days when I am active vs not active. I can fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night after a day of strength training.

Another benefit I've noticed, and this kind of goes hand-in-hand with better sleep, is mood enhancement. On days when I do not strength train, I tend to feel lazy and down in the dumps. After a morning workout, I spend the rest of my day with high energy and feeling a sense of accomplishment for what I have done. I tend to feel happier and better about myself, too, which directly affects my mood.

The last benefit I would like to mention is just overall increased muscle and endurance enhancement. Strength training builds muscle mass and improves muscular strength. I know this benefit will help me now and later down the line when I am older.


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